DHOKRA is a sort of hand-woven jute mat which is used in rural areas of west Bengal. The weaving is done on locally established weaving machines. The raw material utilized for making DHOKRA is Jute or ‘Golden Fibre’. This Fibre is viewed as perhaps the best gift to humankind from nature. Dhokra mats are delightfully woven from the fibre, which is extricated from locally grown bushes.
Making Process
Traditionally, the women weave mats used for sitting and sleeping
purposes. The raw material is obtained from locally grown shrubs, known
as paat. It is one of the cheapest and the most easily available material.
Fibres are shredded to get thin strands which are dyed and dried. Weaving
process is then initiated in their home-made back-strap, looms.
The fibres are extracted from home grown jute which is cut, soaked in
water, left to season and then dried in the sun. The extract of the plants are
then hand rolled in required dimension of strands. The rolled strands are
dyed, sun dried and then used for weaving designs in the mats. Weaving
process is then initiated in their home-made looms. The weaving starts
with the setting up of the loom.


Chaya Mondol
Chaya Mondol is from a farmer family. She is a married women with three children. Her interest towards this Natural Fibre product has made her to learn the required skills. Now as a trainer, she gives training to many of them around her. The experience in the DHOKRA products manufacturing is more than three years and now earns around 4000 rupees per month. She is also one of the main bread winners of the family.